Monday, January 25, 2010

New Items

There are new items listed! Check them out!

angelala designs

Here's a sneak peak:

Button Organization

This is how I had my buttons organized.  Every time I needed to get out a certain color I had to dump out all the buttons.  Not efficient!

So on Friday I got a plain wooden box from Hobby Lobby and tweaked it.

I painted the inside black.  Then I Modge Podged some pretty pink and green paisley scrapbook paper on the top and sides of the box.  I cut out "Buttons" on the Cricut and shadowed the paisley paper with green and pick cardstock.

Here's how it turned out!


It works perfectly!  Now I can reach in and grab a button in a snap!

Working on it

So I am slowly getting the hang of the whole selling on etsy....even though I haven't sold anything yet! ;)   You will notice that my background is changing.  I am trying to make the items look better.  Let me know what you think.

Ms. Skull Pin

New item *idea*

I made the leaf awhile ago and haven't found a way to present it yet.  This morning I made a pouch to show off my "A" leaf.

Some fun ideas for the pouch include:

Cell phone
Pencil Pouch

Does anyone have any ideas for purposes?

Flower Power

The newest item listed on angelala designs is this adorable wall hanging.

These four frames are separate and can be arranged any way you like!  The colors are light pink, turquoise, lime green and orange.  Won't it look adorable in your little one's room?

My insipiration was my niece's "big girl" (she's almost two) bedroom.  She love owls!  My sister got this bedding from Target.

Sunday, January 24, 2010


angelala designs is my baby.  My hand crafted items are created with love.  But more than that, angelala designs is brand new.  My creations are made mostly of felt and are hand embroidered.  I may throw in a few different items every now and then.

I started this blog to keep up with my ideas along with sharing my ideas with others. 
Please check out my etsy store:
angelala designs